Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing Mr. Nathan Gareau!
We've known Nathan for a few years now. He just gives a damn about all the right stuff. Nathan is also the only person I've ever met who wears a suit to chop down a tree (true story). Without any more fanfare...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing Mr. Nathan Gareau!
I've been called a famed Cocktologist, modern-day Grecian Hedonist, and I manage Kent of Inglewood in Calgary. Over most things, I value quality. Quality possessions, quality food, quality drink, and quality experiences. My shop Kent of Inglewood focuses on having a wonderful experience of grooming ones-self and taking care of your presentation. We stock our shelves with products we believe in, including classic shaving gear, beard care, perfumes, axes and much more. All of our good fall into the category of quality and long-lasting, which is why we choose to carry Horace & Jasper leather goods and their sister brand Tremendous Beard Care products.
I started my interest in Horace & Jasper products as I became friends with Jeffrey and Liane and seeing the passion that goes into what they make. Over the years, I've had a number of H&J products. I've owned a pentagram adorned wallet, an incredibly hefty belt, a messenger bag that I take everywhere including abroad, and a couple of heavy-duty carrying cases for my chef's knives, one of which is emblazoned with a huge graphic of Baphomet.
Never once have these belongings failed me, and any time I suggest a subtle improvement Jeffrey takes my suggest to heart and makes them even better. My H&J products have survived the fire of the kitchen, drunken stupors, sickness and health, and every manner of lifestyle abuse I could possibly throw at them. They show their age beautifully and never cause me to compromise my values or my style.
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